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Current projects

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Guardianes de la Cuenca is a programme to protect the rivers and glaciers of El Chaltén. 


  • We develop advocacy activities, monitor public policies and elaborate results-based management recommendations for water conservation in El Chaltén.


  • We mobilise participatory monitoring tools for this World Heritage site to improve the conservation status of key aquatic ecosystems for humanity. 


  • We seek to promote spaces for strategic and community reflection for the visibility and protection of aquatic ecosystems.


  • We implement the Escazú regional agreement and disseminate information about the rights of environmental defenders to encourage environmental activism and interaction with institutions for the defence of rivers and glaciers.

State of the project: ongoing
Starting date: February 2023

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Diatomeas, a digital magazine to imagine the socio-environmental futures of Patagonia.


Diatomeas is an open-access bilingual digital magazine developed by the Boana association. Diatomeas explores the knowledge and experiences of the Patagonian territory, intertwining artistic expression and scientific mediation. We venture into the dynamics of territorial construction to seek opportunities for socio-environmental justice. Far from prefabricated solutions and dogmatic approaches, with a line that questions rather than imposes, Diatomeas aims to open our imaginations towards desirable futures.​

State of the project: ongoing
Starting date: March 2024




The HAPEC - Huerta Agroecologica y Pedagogica El Chaltén - is a space for agroecological experimentation in the search for cultivation techniques adapted to southern Patagonia. â€‹


We develop the knowledge and practices necessary to start creating agroecological realities in El Chaltén.

  • We created the first local agro-ecological system, in which we identified available local resources, climatic constraints and opportunities to recycle organic matter.

  • We run workshops for the children of El Chaltén, with the aim of spreading agroecology through play. 


State of the project: in progress
Starting date: November 2021


Climate Change Adaptation and Climate Justice in El Chaltén


We seek to implement climate change adaptation methodologies in El Chaltén to reduce the adaptation gap between mountain territories. We bring together key actors to build vulnerability diagnoses and public policies for climate risk management.


In addition, we adopt a gender-sensitive climate justice approach. â€‹â€‹


  • Identifying adaptation methodologies for protected areas 


  • Creation of a network of national and international scientific collaboration for the realisation of a vulnerability diagnosis at site scale. 


  • Development of a proposal for monitoring climate impacts for Argentinean protected areas with high water values and UNESCO protection categories.


State of the project: in progress
Starting date: March 2023

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Association Law of July 1, 1901

Head office: 3, Impasse du Peyrou - 09000 Foix, Ariège, France

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